We all have been through exam stress at some point of time in our student life. Along with stress, there is the anxiety of exams that makes us all nervous. It is normal to be overwhelmed by the tests, and exams. However, the shift from online exams to offline exams has increased the stress amongst students. The shift has always been sudden and the stress and anxiety around offline exams have promptly increased. We at St. Andrews World School understand the situation of every student who undergoes a roller coaster of emotions while appearing for exams.
We are ranked as one of the best schools in Indirapuram and Ghaziabad, and student support has been one of the reasons behind our ranking. While talking to many of our students, we were reminded how every student is encountering exam stress. This stress might affect your
grades adversely so with the help of expert opinions we have curated a mini-guide on how to deal with exam stress and other important issues related to exam stress.
Let us start with, what is exam stress?
Exam stress is not wholly associated with exams but can be triggered during any test-taking situation. There are occasions when students feel nervous and get stressed about their exam performance. This sometimes leads to poor performance or not performing at their full

Why do you feel exam stress?

There is no particular answer to the question, why you might be feeling exam stress?
However, there are a few factors that can be held responsible, like;
● Worrying about the result
● Feeling underprepared
● The pressure of doing well
● Didn’t study much
● Having a difficult time studying
● Family Pressure
● Competing with others
What are the signs and symptoms of exam stress?

While dealing with exam stress, students show different signs and symptoms which include
physical signs of exam stress, behavioral signs, and mental and emotional signs.
Let’s discuss these signs in detail:
1. Physical signs:

As a student, you might feel a few changes in the body which include
upset stomach, nausea, tense muscles, fast heartbeat, headache, dry mouth, and
diarrhea. You might not experience all of these at once, every student will show
different signs depending on their physical attributes.
How to avoid physical signs of exam stress?
To avoid physical stress, you need to eat healthily and follow a healthy lifestyle. Also, you
should sleep properly. Getting enough sleep before an exam will help you to approach the
exam with a positive mindset. A rested mind will always perform well.
Behavioral signs:

It is not necessary that you will only undergo physical signs of
exam stress. Sometimes there might be a few behavioral signs such as unhealthy
eating, nail-biting, and fidgeting.
How do tackle behavioral signs of exam stress?
Once you notice that there are few behavioral changes before the exam. You must spend
some time focusing on your breathing. This will allow you to keep calm and help to stable
your flow of thoughts. Also, to avoid such instances, you can make a study plan which should
include small study breaks. This will help you cover everything effectively and help you
manage time better. As a student, it is a must that you should take regular short breaks – to
keep your mind fresh. However, if you cannot alter the behavioral changes, you can always
seek help from your friends, teachers, or parents.
Mental and Emotional signs:

Exam stress might trigger a few mental and emotional
signs in the students. You might feel difficult to concentrate while studying or might
have various thoughts. Also, you may experience fear, dread, or helplessness.
How do tackle the mental and emotional signs of exam stress?
Irrespective of the exam stress, it is important to take care of yourself mentally and
emotionally while you are growing up. As a student, you are overwhelmed with several
emotional changes, especially during the exam. To avoid further stress, you can set up a study
space and environment away from all distractions. If you are unsure about certain topics or
chapters ask your teacher or friends to help you with that. Furthermore, you can always create
mind maps to recollect all ideas and thoughts before the exam.
How to deal with exam stress while appearing for the exam?
Now that you have prepared for the exam, it is time to show what you have learned without
any pressure. While you are appearing for the exam there are chances that you might have
anxiety and exam stress. So, here are a few things you can do to reduce exam stress:
● Freshen up before appearing for the exam.
● Try to calm down and relax by slow breathing exercises.
● Recollect all you have learned while studying for the exam.
● Analysis of all the questions and sections in the question paper.
● Read the question paper and instructions carefully.
● Once you have analyzed all the questions, figure out the easiest questions first.
● Go through your answer sheet, and check if you have completed all the questions.
● Check for minute mistakes in the answers. Re-read everything you have written.
Life Beyond the Exam Stress
We have gone through some similar experiences while appearing for the exam. If you meet
anyone who says they are not stressed about exams then they are lying. When you feel
overwhelmed and stressed the best advice would be to seek help. Find the ways that help you
with anxiety because there is no one-size fits all remedy to exam stress. Students always
encounter exam stress, regardless of the preparation and revisions. You must trust yourself
and not let the stress hinder your performance.
Also, you can always reach out to St. Andrews World School – one of the best schools in
Indirapuram or add your suggestions/tips to deal with exam stress. We would love to hear
back from you! Until then all the best for your exams.
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